Merewether Public School Parents and Citizens (P&C) Association
Our Mission:
The P&C promotes the interests of the school by bringing parents, citizens, students, and teaching staff into close co-operation. We help by fundraising, providing facilities and equipment for the school, and promoting the recreation and welfare of students at the school.
Recent Achievements
In the last few years P&C fundraising has contributed in the following ways:
· Junior playground: sun shelter over the sandpit and boat installation
· Purchasing pop up gazebos & house banners for use at sports carnivals
· Purchasing iPads and school robotics equipment
· Purchasing web-cameras for classrooms to support home-schooling during the Covid Pandemic
· Funding starstruck and aerobics costs
· Funding the school cooking program
· Purchasing a giant-sized chess set for the playground
· Funding window tinting in the school library to protect books and library resources
When does the P&C meet?
The P&C is a voluntary group of parents, carers, and teachers.
We meet every term (once or twice), all parents and carers with children at school are welcome to attend. Meetings are usually on Monday evenings at 7pm.
Where does the P&C meet?
The P&C meets in the school staffroom and also uses online meeting options so you can attend from home. There is no expectation – you do not need to come to every meeting. Being involved needs to suit you.
Do I need to join as a ‘Member’?
Anyone can attend meetings, but if you pay $1 you can join as a paid member.
Being a paid member allows you to:
· vote on decisions during meetings; e.g., what the P&C do, what the P&C spend money on, and how much money is spent
· stay included in communications e.g., agenda emails, receive meeting minutes following meetings
· Remember, you do not need to attend every meeting!
If I join, what is the expected workload? Will I have to volunteer for everything?
No way! Everyone is busy with work, young children, soccer coaching, basketball, reading books for their book club, and trying to have a social life. This always comes first.
That being said, we do need people to help - and invite you to share your wonderful skills and enthusiasm with us.
We always need people to coordinate fundraising events, and we find it best if:
· A few people work together to share the load
· People who are new or unsure, work with experienced people for mentoring
· People who run an event can get a break from other events that year, so work is shared
Each year we need people to join the executive committee and fill the roles of President, Vice President x 2, Secretary, and Treasurer.
How can I stay in the loop about what the P&C is doing?
· Read the P&C News, in the weekly school newsletter
· Get the Skoolbag App – we use this to post important information
· Join the ‘Volunteer Email List’ – when we need extra help with events e.g., cooking a bbq, collecting money, or preparing food, we put a call out via email to our registered volunteers & members - and anyone available can choose to assist
MPS P&C is incorporated under the Parents & Citizens Association Incorporation Act, 1976. We are also affiliated with the NSW P&C Federation, who provides our insurance. We maintain policies including code of conduct, grievance, and working with children check policies.
For questions or a chat, please reach out to us via: