We have decided to opt into the BYOD Program. What's next?
When is my child expected to bring their BYOD device to school?
Students will not be required to bring in their BYOD devices to school on the first day back at school (Friday 29th January). However, we do ask that Student ICT Agreement Forms are read, discussed, signed at home, and returned to the office on the first day back. ICT Agreements must be submitted prior to bringing in devices to school.
As of Week 2 starting Monday 1st February, students who have opted into the BYOD Program will be expected to bring their laptop devices to school every day and take devices home at the end of each school day. Considering the context of our school and Stage 3 cohort size and group, we believe the program will be manageable using this format.
Devices must be fully charged upon arrival at school and should be well protected in a carry case. Please ensure devices, carry cases and any other additional items are clearly labelled with your child's name.
What should my child do with their device as soon as they arrive at school?
Upon arrival at school, 8:30 am onwards, students will be expected to take their devices and belongings directly to their classrooms. Devices will be placed and stored into designated student tote trays separate to their under desks. Classrooms will remain locked at all times and can only be unlocked by a teacher, as per standard procedure. In the case that the door is locked and no teacher is present in the morning, laptops will be temporarily kept in backpacks and hung on bag hooks outside classrooms (not on the floor). For students who attend TASK or arrive at school early, laptops must stay in backpacks. TASK will have a safe, designated bag area during TASK hours. In general, devices are not to be used before or after school, whilst on school premises.
How will my child know how to connect to the network, access programs, and navigate their device?
A Stage 3 (Year 5 and Year 6) meeting will be held on Friday 29th January to discuss school and student BYOD expectations.
Step by step introductory BYOD lessons will be provided over the first few weeks of the term (Starting in Week 2) to assist students with network connection, password protection, software downloads, E-Safety, file organisation, etc. It is important that students familiarise themselves with their devices in order to maximise their efficiency and use in the classroom. This will also target technological independence in preparation for high school. While device use will vary from day to day, we expect devices to be available, when required.
What software will be required on my child's device?
There is plenty of free software available through your child's Department Education Portal Login. Much of the software will be discussed and downloaded in class with instruction from the classroom teacher.
Software that will be required:
Web Browser - Google Chrome, Edge, Mozilla Firefox
G-Suite - Google Docs, Microsoft Office 365 Online, or via a dedicated application
Presentation Software - Google Slides or Microsoft PowerPoint
Pdf Document Viewing Software - Adobe Acrobat Reader or Equivalent Software.
* Anti-Virus & Internet Security Protection Software - Recommended (Please note: This is up to families to select, purchase and download onto devices). Feel free to view a selection of options from JBHiFi.
Will the wireless access be filtered?
The wireless Internet access available to students is a filtered service provided by the Department of Education.
Will students be able to use their devices during lunch and recess breaks?
No. Students are not to use their devices during lunch or recess breaks on the playground. Students may only use devices with teacher supervision.
Does the school provide Insurance for damage, loss, or theft?
No. As stated in the BYOD Policy, families are encouraged to consider private and or additional insurance to cover these possibilities.
Can a student use another student’s device?
No. Due to the inherent nature of personally owned devices, devices should only be used by the owner of the device. Usually, having physical access to a personal device also provides the ability to access private information, such as passwords or access to emails. Passwords must not be shared.
School owned, shared devices are the only devices allowed to be shared at school. These devices are networked and require students to log in using their Education Department logins.
I'm hesitant to participate in the program. Is it possible to opt-in later in the year?
Yes. Absolutely.
As this is a trial program, families can choose when they would like to opt-in. For example, Term 2 onwards OR Terms 3 and 4 only OR Term 4 only. Completely up to you.
We want to reassure you that there is no pressure at all to opt into the program. As it is a trial, we are sure things will arise as we go along, but through good preparation, planning & communication, we're committed to moving forward and implementing a successful BYOD program.
I really want my child to participate in the BYOD Program, but I can't afford a device right away.
Device options have been selected based on school specifications and general value for money. Due to technology rapidly changing, we would strongly encourage you to buy the best device that you can afford. However, we understand that not everyone will be in the financial position to purchase a new laptop right away, if at all. Please be aware that JBHiFi is offering 24 months interest-free payment plans on computers for in-store purchases. Click on the link for more information on finance and how to Apply Online.
We have decided NOT to opt into the BYOD Program? Will my child miss out on anything?
No, your child will not miss out on anything by not opting into the program. The BYOD Program is an optional program that we are trialling this year. Any student who does not participate in the BYOD will have access to a limited number of school-owned, shared devices. They will still access all parts of the curriculum taught at school.